📉 Big Tech earnings drag the Chinese stock market down
Volatility remains constant on the Chinese stock market. After a series of alternating highs and fears triggered by the introduction of new stimulus packages and speculations about Donald Trump returning to the White House, sentiment on the Shanghai Stock Exchange has once again deteriorated.
The primary cause of investor pessimism in China is disappointment with the current stimulus packages, which have failed to address the key issues weighing down the Chinese economy: overwhelmingly weak domestic demand and stagnation in the real estate market, which remains unaffordable for the average Chinese consumer. This disappointment is further exacerbated by the financial results of key Chinese companies like PDD Holdings and Baidu, with the latter recording its largest sales drop in nearly two years. Adding to the gloom is mounting pressure from the United States. Beyond the looming threat of 40% tariffs, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has launched an offensive against Chinese investments, issuing a decree prohibiting state agencies from investing funds in China-linked assets.
The CHN50cash CFD has been trading flat for nearly two months, with occasional breakouts driven primarily by geopolitical events or fiscal decisions from the Chinese Communist Party. Today, the index has significantly fallen below both exponential moving averages, approaching the last support level around 12,900. Source: xStation5
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