StocksWall Street

Fastenal (FAST.US) Hits Year to Date Highs

Fastenal (FAST.US) is up nearly 4% today, reaching new yearly highs following the release of its February 2025 sales report. While total sales remained flat year-over-year, the number of working days in February was lower. On a daily sales basis, the company reported a 5% increase.

Fastenal is a distributor of accessories for industrial and construction companies. The company offers a wide range of products, including fasteners, protective equipment, and maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) tools.

Month-over-month daily sales increased by nearly 6%, almost doubling the growth rate seen in the same period last year. The average growth rate over the past four years was 1.8%.

From a geographical perspective, the U.S. remains the company’s most important market, accounting for over 83% of its revenue. Fastenal also operates in Mexico and Canada, which, given the looming trade war concerns, could impact the company’s performance. However, with the latest news of Trump suspending tariffs on Mexico until April 2, the threat of a trade war may temporarily subside.

Fastenal is rising to around $77 today, marking its highest value this year and breaking above the upper limits of the consolidation range that has been in place since late December. This level was reached with still relatively low volume, meaning investors will have to wait for full confirmation of the breakout. Source: xStation

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