FOMC Minutes Show Broad Support For Gradually Lowering Rates

The Fed’s minutes from the last November meeting of the US central bank, where it cut interest rates by 25 basis points, have just been released. Below is a transcript of the most important comments made during the decision:
- Minutes show broad support for “gradually” lowering rates – slightly hawkish
- Many Officials Saw Lower Risk of Labor-Market Downturn Than in September
- Businesses Becoming More Selective in Hiring
- Many Officials Noted ‘Uncertainties’ Around Neutral Interest Rate
- Officials Discussed Lowering Overnight Reverse-Repurchase Rate to Bottom of Fed Funds Range

EURUSD is rising after the release of the Fed minutes. The most important conclusion is that we are approaching a time when the scale and, more importantly, the frequency of interest rate cuts will be lower. Source: xStation
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