

Spot Metals


Trading hours for Oil and Energy instruments:
XTI (WTI) & XNG (Natural Gas): Trading starts at 18:05 ET on Sunday and is active until 16:55 ET on Friday.

  • There is a daily break in pricing between 16:55 ET until 18:05 ET.
  • XBR (Brent Crude Oil): Trading starts at 20:05 ET on Sunday and is active until 16:55 ET on Friday. There is a daily break in pricing between 16:55 ET until 20:05 ET.

FX Instruments


Forex instruments have streaming prices and trading functionality available continuously as follows:

  • Pricing & Trading begin each Sunday at 17:10 ET.
  • Pricing & Trading end each Friday at 16:55 ET
  • There is a daily system reset from 16:55 until 17:10 ET during which pricing and trading is not available.

CFD* Instruments


*CFD commissions are charged per contract. For example, 1 contract of Dax at price 11,508will be a subject to 15 US cents commission calculated as following: 1*11,508*1.12 (EURUSDconv rate)*12 (commission)/1,000,000=$0.15 USD.

Commodities (Energy And Oil)


Trading hours for Oil and Energy instruments:

  • XTI (WTI) & XNG (Natural Gas): Trading starts at 18:05 ET on Sunday and is active until 16:55 ET on Friday. There is a daily break in pricing between 16:55 ET until 18:05 ET.
  • XBR (Brent Crude Oil): Trading starts at 20:05 ET on Sunday and is active until 16:55 ET on Friday. There is a daily break in pricing between 16:55 ET until 20:05 ET.

Trading Sessions


Trading sessions for supported instruments:

FX Instruments

Forex instruments have streaming prices and trading functionality available continuously as follows:

  • Pricing & Trading begin each Sunday at 17:10 ET.
  • Pricing & Trading end each Friday at 16:55 ET
  • There is a daily system reset from 16:55 until 17:10 ET during which pricing and trading is not available.

Spot Metals

Trading hours for Oil and Energy instruments:
XTI (WTI) & XNG (Natural Gas): Trading starts at 18:05 ET on Sunday and is active until 16:55 ET on Friday.

  • There is a daily break in pricing between 16:55 ET until 18:05 ET.
  • XBR (Brent Crude Oil): Trading starts at 20:05 ET on Sunday and is active until 16:55 ET on Friday. There is a daily break in pricing between 16:55 ET until 20:05 ET.